In January 2019 Alliado Solutions was founded in Cologne. Why? To support local entrepreneurs by providing them with creative and affordable advertising opportunities, leveling the playing field for every business.
Now that everything seems to happen online, small business owners seem to be at a disadvantage. Online advertising takes time, cost money and can be difficult. But despite marketing being a vital part of every company, all you really want is to have more time for the things that are really important, right? The products of Alliado Solutions can help with that, whether you have experience with online marketing or not. We want you to have more time to focus on your job: running your business.
We come to work every day because we believe we can help small business owners, as well as their customers. This is what drives and motivates us. Potential customers often don’t even know about the existence of small businesses in their area, because they never pass by there or because the business is somewhat hidden in a sidestreet or the corner of a square. If the business is not very active online then it might not be able to reach potential customers and eventually go out of business. We believe we can play a role in bringing together businesses and customers, providing platforms for companies to present themselves to interested people.